Common Name: Macrocarpa
Scientific Name: Cupressus macrocarpa
Height at Maturity: 40 meters
Max Age: 250 years
Altitude: 0-600m
Time to Maturity: 10 years +
Growth Rate: Fast growing
Habitat: Grows well as a coastal tree and lowlands environment with a tolerance to salt spray. Tolerant of drought and frost it does best in deep draining soils up to 600m.
Domesticated Uses: Wide spread use as a shelter belt with dense foliage and spreading branches to keep stock dry. A good windbreak can increase dry matter yield 5-15%, and increase stock yields. Must be fenced from livestock as has toxic properties. Good for internal timbers and wood working.
Medicinal Uses: n/a
Milling Value: Highly sort after medium-density wood for building and decorative timbers. Is durable as untreated outdoor timber making it useful for gardens.
Forest Uses: Has fallen out of favour for exotic forestry, replaced by Douglas fir and radiata. Its main use is as a shelter-belt in either single or multiple lines.
Flowering: n/a
Fruiting/Nectar: n/a
Birds Life: n/a
Threats: Under attack from the Cypress canker, a serious fungal disease.
Planting Instructions: Planting in spring or autumn.